MASNRN members have been instrumental in bringing various aspects of research to a number of audiences. Topics have included: the importance of research, how to conduct a literature review, evidence-based practice, as well as individual studies. Presentations have taken place both in local as well as national settings. Audiences have included the National Association of School Nurses, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Public Health Association and the MA Department of Public Health.
An Investigative Study: What are the concerns of Massachusetts School Nurses in managing mental/behavioral issues in the school setting?
Gapinski. An Investigative Study: What are the concerns of Massachusetts School Nurses in managing mental/behavioral issues in the school setting?. Jan 2008.
Increasing Resiliency in the Child with Special Health Care Needs (Anti-Bullying)
O,Brien, M.J.. Increasing Resiliency in the Child with Special Health Care Needs (Anti-Bullying). Jan 2008. American Academy of Pediatrics.
Increasing Resiliency in the Child with Special Health Care Needs (Anti-Bullying)
O'Brien, M.J.. Increasing Resiliency in the Child with Special Health Care Needs (Anti-Bullying). Jan 2008. Massachusetts Department of Public Health Annual Anti-Violence Conference.
Increasing the number of Influenza immunizations to school age children with chronic conditions using computerized health record technology in the SN office
Aubin, J.. Increasing the number of Influenza immunizations to school age children with chronic conditions using computerized health record technology in the SN office. Jan 2006.